Designation Associate Professor
Years of Experience 14
Department CSE-DS&CS
Email Id djyothi@mlrit.ac.in
JNTUH Unique Id XXXX-0406195402
Areas of Specialization Data Science & Intrusion detection Systems
UG Degree B.Tech CSE(JNTUH)
PG Degree M.Tech CSE (JNTUH)
Ph.D 10-12-2024
Joining Date 07/07/2023
Nature of Association Regular


Papers Published

  1. Paper Published in Tianjin University Science and Technology ISSN :0493-2137 E-Publication: Online Open Access Vol:56 Issues:01:2023 DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8285603 paper titled “A Network security Framework for Hybrid Botnet Detection In critical Infrastructure By using Machine Learning Algorithms “ SCI Indexed Journals


  1. Paper Published in Design Engineering Vol 2021: Issue 09 ISSN:00119342 Year 2021 paper titled “A Network Based SOM-Modified AIS open Flow Approach for Identification and Justification of DDOS Attacks in SDN Networks “


  1. Paper published in International Journal of pure and applied mathematics. Volume 120. No.6 2018,737-746. ISSN 1314-3395 Paper Titled “Literature Study on Peer to Peer Botnets” url: http://www.acadpubl.eu/hub/


  1. Paper published in International Journal of Research and Application. Paper Titled “A study on Malware detection on Big data”. April 2018 Transaction.


  1. Paper published in International Journal of Research and Application.
  1. Paper Titled “Bot Net Detection by Using SSL Encryption” April, June 2015 Transaction.


  1. 4th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, Computing and Information Technologies (ICCSPCIT-2015) DECEMBER 18-19,2015, IEEE Hyderabad Section. Paper Titled “Botnet Detection by Imitation Method”. April, June 2015 Transaction.


  1. International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research “An Aggregate Location Monitoring System of Privacy Preserving in Authentication of Wireless Sensor Networks” Vol 1 Issue 3, October 2012, ISSN 2278-733X.


Subjects Taught

  1. Data Analytics
  2. R for Data Analytics
  3. Big Data Analytics
  4. Network Security
  5. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  6. Computer Networks
  7. Ethical Hacking
  8. Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems

Books Published


  1. Botransack Uses Machine Learning to Detect Botnets
  2. Delivering Food and E-Commerce with an Autonomous Theft-Proof Robot



  1. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Puraskar awarded on 15th October ,2019 by Way Foundation Tirupati , Contribution towards Education and Social Services.


  1. In the National Event of SRI NTR AWARDS , awarded Vidya Ratna on date 19-05-2023 Programme organized by R.K. Kala Samskruthika Foundation 2023, Contribution towards Education and Social Services

