Freshman Engineering


STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering And Math: Education For Global Leadership

Engineering is all about applying science and mathematics practically to come up with solutions to problems we face in our daily lives. S.T.E.M. education is an important learning tool for today’s students. It encourages critical thinking, problem management skills, and uses real world applications to promote innovation. The Department’s program supports educators in providing students with more personalized learning—in which the pace of and approach to instruction are uniquely tailored to meet students’ individual needs and interests—often supported by innovative technologies.


To attain excellence in pedagogy in the areas of humanities & basic sciences, to face the emerging global challenges efficiently and to make the students expert professionals in their fields.


To provide students with soft skills and behavioral training programs in order to develop their overall personality and social consciousness.

Freshman Labs

  • Engineering Physics Lab- MG212
  • Engineering Graphics & Design Lab-MG-004
  • Chemistry Lab-MG 010
  • Programming Problem Solving Lab-008
  • Basic Electric Engineering Lab-MG-002
  • English Language & Communcation Skills Lab-MG 005
  • Workshop & Manufacturing Practices MG-004

Faculty Profiles

Dr. V.Radhika Devi

Dr. V.Radhika Devi

Professor & Dean

Dr. JSVR. Krishna Prasad

Dr. JSVR. Krishna Prasad


Dr. Ch Achi Reddy

Dr. Ch Achi Reddy

HOD & Professor

Dr.P.Kanakadurga Devi

Dr.P.Kanakadurga Devi

Professor & Associate Dean


Key Differentiators

Key Differentiators (Innovative Practices):

  • Micro Projects in the first year I- semester (Inspiring students to understand deeply)
  • COTS – Concept Oriented Tutorials (Building Students “Strategic Knowledge”)
  • EPICS - Engineering Projects in Community Service (Encouraging the pursuit of engineering for community improvement)
  • SPEED - Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (Empowering students to become a factor of change in Engineering Education)
  • Active Learning methodologies (Activities that promote Critical Thinking)
  • Seminar hours and COSHISS (Consortium of Students Helping Improve Speaking Skills) (Teaching the Art Of Communication and The Language Of Leadership)


Faculty Activities

  • By Dr. Radhika Devi V, HoD S&H, MLRIT
  • By Sri Raju L Kanchibhotla, Director Logic Designers
  • By Dr. T. Arun, Prof. in Physics, MLRIT
  • By Dr. Radhika Devi V, HoD S&H, MLRIT
  • Prof. S. K. Das Mandal, IIT Kharagpur
  • By Dr. R. Karthik , Dean R&D, MLRIT

Students Activities

1st year students visited Sathish Dhawan Space Centre, ISRO, Sriharikota

A one day training programme on “LEADERSHIP SKILLS,STUDY SKILLS AND MEMORY SKILLS” by DR.C.S.VEPA , director of National school of Banking was organized for first year students.

Mr. Varun, Associate Territory manager for Cambridge gave an overview of BEC Certificate programme and its importance on 30th August 2016 , for BEC registered students.
