Dr. Subhadeep Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Years of Experience 3 YEARS
Department H&S (English)
Email Id shubhadeep@mlrit.ac.in
JNTUH Unique Id 5872-240215-002735
Areas of Specialization English Literature of the Indian Diaspora, Literary Culture of Migration in the Era of Empire, Medical Humanities, Public Health and Labour Migration
UG Degree BA English
PG Degree MA English
Ph.D English
Joining Date 05/02/2024
Nature of Association Regular

Dr. Subhadeep Kumar

Papers Published

1) Review of Eurocentrism: Modernity, Religion, and Democracy. A Critique of Eurocentrism and Culturalism of Samir Amin, Translated by Russell Moore and James Membrez, Pambazuka Press, 2nd Edition, 2009 in Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36:1, 106-108, January 2015, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2015.991067
2) Review of Sites of Race, of David Theo Goldberg, Polity Press, 2014. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 36:2, 243-245, March 2015, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2015.1008706
3) ‘The Emigrant Ship at the Interstices of 19th Century Imperial Governmentality’, in Mapping Indian Diaspora; Continuities and Challenges, Ajay K. Sahoo (Ed.), Rawat Books, New Delhi, 2017.
UGC-MHRD EPathsala Module Publications
4) Comparative Literature: Impact of Marxism and Freudian Psychoanalysis on Indian Drama‟.
5) English Literary Criticism and Theory: “Texts and History: Georg Lukacs, Terry Eagleton”.
6) “New Literatures in English: Displaced Voices; Literature of Refugees and Undocumented Migrants‟
7) “Cavalier Poetry‟

Subjects Taught

1) Indian English Literature (Undergraduate Level)
2) Lyric Mode (Postgraduate Level)
3) Narrative Mode (Postgraduate Level)
4) Contemporary Literary Theory (Postgraduate Level)
5) Introduction to Cultural Studies (Postgraduate Level)
6) World Literature (Postgraduate Level)
8)    South Asian Literature (Postgraduate Level)
9) Emergent Literature (Postgraduate Level)
10) Literature and Margins (Postgraduate Level)
11) Dissertation Writing and Supervision (Postgraduate Level)

Books Published
