STUDENT MINI PROJECTS EXPO / TECHNICAL SEMINARS Apart from our Regular Curriculum we have introduced the Micro Projects EXPO and Technical Seminars for the Students. Out of the interest, our students exhibited their projects and gave technical seminars. Technical Seminars conducted on 10th Nov 2016 in our college. Shri Raju L.Kanchibotla, Vice President –Region V, CSI and Mr.Nagarjun V Malladi, Delivery Head, Life Sciences, Tech Mahindra, Madhapur-Hyd were the Chief Guests. Pratul Chandra (II Year IT) got 1st prize for “AI with self driven cars” N Mahalakshmi (I Year CSE) got 2nd prize for “ASIMO” R Epaprodith (II Year CSE) got 3rd prize for “Bio Metric Security System”