1 |
Albania |
http://www.alpto.gov.al/home.asp |
2 |
Algerian |
http://www.inapi.org/en/accueil/ |
3 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
http://www.ab.gov.ag/gov_v2/index.html |
4 |
Argentina |
http://www.marcasepatentes.pt/index.html?section=1 |
5 |
Armenia |
http://www.aipa.am/en/ |
6 |
Australia |
http://www.innovation.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx |
7 |
Austrian Patent Office |
http://www.bmvit.gv.at/en/index.html |
8 |
Bahrain |
http://www.moic.gov.bh/moic/en |
9 |
Barbados |
http://www.caipo.gov.bb/index2.htm |
10 |
Belgium |
http://economie.fgov.be/opri-die.htm |
11 |
Belize |
http://www.belipo.bz/ |
12 |
Bhutan |
http://www.ipbhutan.gov.bt/ |
13 |
Bolivia |
http://www.senapi.gov.bo/ |
14 |
Canada |
http://www.cipo.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/Home |
15 |
Cuba |
http://www.ocpi.cu/ |
16 |
Denmark |
http://www.dkpto.org/ |
17 |
Egypt |
http://www.mfti.gov.eg/index.asp |
18 |
Finland |
http://www.prh.fi/ |
19 |
France |
http://www.ieepi.org/ |
20 |
Georgia |
http://www.sakpatenti.org.ge/ |
21 |
Germany |
http://www.dpma.de |
22 |
Hungary |
http://www.hpo.hu/English/ |
23 |
Iceland |
http://www.patent.is/focal/webguard.nsf/key2/index.html |
24 |
India |
http://www.patentoffice.nic.in/ |
25 |
Indonesia |
http://www.dgip.go.id/ebscript/publicportal.cgi |
26 |
Ireland |
http://www.patentsoffice.ie/en/homepage.aspx |
27 |
Israel |
http://www.patent.justice.gov.il/MojHeb/RashamHaPtentim |
28 |
Italy |
https://www.uibm.gov.it/it/ |
29 |
Jamacia |
http://www.jipo.gov.jm/ |
30 |
Japan |
http://www.jpo.go.jp/ |
31 |
Jordan |
http://www.mit.gov.jo/ |
32 |
Kyrgyzstan |
http://www.patent.kg/ |
33 |
Malaysia |
http://www.myipo.gov.my/ |
34 |
Maldives |
http://www.trade.gov.mv/home/ |
35 |
Malta |
http://www.foi.org.mt/page.html?section=16&page=44 |
36 |
Mauritius |
http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/mfasite |
37 |
Mexico |
http://www.impi.gob.mx/ |
38 |
Monaco |
http://www.epo.org/patents/patent-information/patlib/directory.html |
39 |
Mongolia |
http://www.ipom.mn/ |
40 |
Morocco |
http://www.ompic.org.ma/section/home.xml |
41 |
Nepal |
http://www.ip.np.wipo.net/index.htm |
42 |
Netherlands |
http://www.octrooicentrum.nl/ |
43 |
New Zealand |
http://www.iponz.govt.nz/cms |
44 |
Norway |
http://www.patentstyret.no/no/ |
45 |
Pakistan |
http://www.ipo.gov.pk/ |
46 |
Peru |
http://www.indecopi.gob.pe/ |
47 |
Philippines |
http://ipophil.gov.ph/ |
48 |
Poland |
http://www.uprp.pl/polski |
49 |
Portugal |
http://www.marcasepatentes.pt/index.html?section=1 |
50 |
Republic of Korea |
http://www.kipo.go.kr/kpo/eng/ |
51 |
Serbia |
http://www.yupat.gov.yu/sr/home/ |
52 |
Singapore |
http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/hom/ |
53 |
Slovakia |
http://www.uil-sipo.si/ |
54 |
Slovenia |
http://www.uil-sipo.si/ |
55 |
South Africa |
http://www.cipro.gov.za/2/home/ |
56 |
Spain |
pagename=OEPMSite/Page/tplHome |
57 |
Srilanka |
http://www.nipo.gov.lk/ |
58 |
Sweden |
http://www.prv.se/ |
59 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
http://www.dcipsy.com/ |
60 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
http://www.wipo.int/directory/en/urls.jsp |
77 |
Tunisia |
http://www.inorpi.ind.tn/ |
61 |
Turkey |
http://www.tpe.gov.tr/portal/default.jsp |
62 |
Ukraine |
http://www.sdip.gov.ua/eng |
63 |
United Arab Emirates |
http://www.economy.ae/English/Pages/default.aspx |
64 |
UK |
http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ |
65 |
United States of America |
http://www.uspto.gov/ |