Dr. CH Srivardhan Kumar
Designation Assistant professor
Years of Experience 11 Years
Department EEE
Email Id chsvnk123@gmail.com
JNTUH Unique Id 1214-150504-172953
Areas of Specialization Power Electronics
UG Degree B.Tech
PG Degree M.Tech
Ph.D Power Electronics Application in Power Systems
Joining Date 09-08-2017
Nature of Association Regular

Dr. CH Srivardhan Kumar

Papers Published

Journal Publications:

  1. Ch.Srivardhan Kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, “Review of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Using Various Control Topologies” in IJATCSE, vol. 9-No 2.,March -April 2020 , 51922020, ISSN 2278-3091
  2. Ch.Srivardhan kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, “Mitigating The Voltage Issue in Transmission Line in Series Voltage Compensation Method (Z-DVR) By Optimization Control Method” in CIMS, Vol. 28-No 10, 2020, 118780, ISSN 1006-5911
  3. Ch.Srivardhan kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, “Development of a novel Harris Hawks- based optimization algorithm for power quality enhancement in distribution sys- tems using a dynamic voltage restorer” in Electrical Engineering 2022; 50(2): 753-771. EISSN 1432-0487  .  (SCIE, IF 1.8).
  4. Ch.Srivardhan kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, “Power quality enhancement by using Z- DVR based series voltage compensation with black widow optimization technique” in IJAPE, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2023, pp. 229 246 ISSN 2252-8792   DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v12.i3.pp229-246.     (SCOPUS, IF 1.06).
  5. Ch.Srivardhan kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, “Performance and Comparison of Voltage Compensation Based on Hybrid Metaheuristic Technique Tuned Z-Dynamic Voltage Restorer” in Electrica 2023;, 23(3): 681-694, September 2023, pp. 681-694 ISSN 2252- 8792.  (SCOPUS, IF 0.9).
  6. Ch.Srivardhan kumar, BLDC Motor Based Cuk Converter Using Model Predictive Controller For Low Power Application, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering.

Subjects Taught

Power Electronics, Power Electric Drives, Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation, Power Quality, Software Testing, BEEE

Books Published

  1. Ch.Srivardhan Kumar, Dr.Z.Mary Livinsa, A Shubhangi rao , T.Bhargava ramu Electrifying the Roads a Comprhensive Guide to EV Vehicles  ISBN 978-93-5747-597-6