Dr. M. Kalpana Chowdary
Designation Associate Professor
Years of Experience 10.5 years
Department CSE
Email Id dr.kalpana@mlrinstitutions.ac.in
JNTUH Unique Id 5083-220404-144304
Areas of Specialization • Image Processing • Machine Learning • Deep Learning • Digital Electronics
UG Degree B.Tech (ECE)
PG Degree M.Tech (VLSI)
Ph.D Ph.D. (Emotion recognition using Deep Learning Models)
Joining Date 15-03-2022
Nature of Association Regular

Dr. M. Kalpana Chowdary

Papers Published

Research Articles

  1. Chowdary, M.K., Priya, E.A., Danciulescu, D., Anitha, J. and Hemanth, D.J., Hybrid deep learning models based emotion recognition with speech signals. Intelligent Decision Technologies, (Preprint), pp.1-19. ( SCI-Q4)
  2. Chowdary, M.K., Turaka, R., Alabduallah, B., Khan, M., Babu, J.C. and Kiran, A., 2023. Low-power very-large-scale integration implementation of fault-tolerant parallel real fast Fourier transform architectures using error correction codes and algorithm-based fault-tolerant techniques. Processes11(8), p.2389. (SCI-Q2)
  3. Eunice, , Popescu, D.E., Chowdary, M.K. and Hemanth, J., 2022. Deep Learning-Based Leaf Disease Detection in Crops Using Images for Agricultural Applications. Agronomy, 12(10), p.2395. (SCI-Q1)
  4. Chowdary, K., Anitha, J. and Hemanth, D.J., 2022. Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks. Electronics, 11(15), p.2387. (SCI-Q2)
  5. Chowdary, K., Nguyen, T. N., & Hemanth, D. J. (2021). Deep learning-based facial emotion recognition for human–computer interaction applications. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-18. (SCI-Q1)
  6. Chowdary, M. K., & Hemanth, D. J. (2019). Human emotion recognition using intelligent approaches: A review. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 13(4), 417- (Scoups)
  7. Kanvitha, M.Sirisha, M.Kalpana Chowdary, “Timetable Management System using RASPBERRY PI and RFID” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) ISSN: 2359-0056 Volume No.-4, Issue No.-9, September, 2017.
  8. Sirisha, M.Kalpana, P.Bala Prasanthi, Sk.Asma “Data Transfer Between Two Pendrives Using Raspberry Pi” International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST) ISSN: 2455-3778 Volume No.-3, Issue No.-7, JULY, 2017.
  9. Rajasekhar Reddy, M. Kalpana Chowdary, P. Kanvitha “An Efficient Architecture for Double Precision Floating Point Adder with LOA” International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ,Volume 3 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099, july-august 2017
  10. Kalpana Chowdary, M.Sirisha, T.Vishnu Priya, N.Charanya “RF Based PICK and PLACE Robot” IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR- JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834, Volume 12, Issue 3, Ver. I (May.-Jun. 2017), PP 34-38
  11. Sirisha, M.Kalpana Chowdary, E.Purushottam “Synthesis of Signed Reversible Multiplier” International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152 Volume No.-4, Issue No. – 3, May, 2016.
  12. Anusha, M.Sirisha, M.Kalpana Chowdary Implementation of MAC UNIT Using Efficient Adders” International Journal and Magazine and Engineering, Technology, Management and Research (IJMETMR) ISSN: 2348-4845 Volume No.-3, Issue No.-6, June, 2016.
  13. Susrutha Babu, S.Suparshya Babu, Dr.Habibulla Khan, M.Kalpana Chowdary “Implementation of Running Average Background Subtraction Algorithm in FPGA for Image Processing Applications” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 73– No.21, July 2013. (Scoups)

Book Chapters

  1. Chowdary, M. K., & Hemanth, D. J. (2020). Emotion Recognition Using Feature Extraction Techniques. In Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (pp. 71-76). IOS Press. (Scoups)
  2. Chowdary, M. K., & Hemanth, D. J. (2021). Deep Learning Approach for Speech Emotion Recognition. In Data Analytics and Management (pp. 367-376). Springer, (Scoups)


  1. Chowdary, M.K., Ganesh, C., Raj, P.M.P., Kumar, M.G., Sridhar, M. and Sandhya, S., 2023, June. An Expert System for Insulin Dosage Prediction using Machine Learning & Deep Learning Algorithms. In 2023 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)(pp. 1291-1297). IEEE.
  2. Chowdary, M.K., Kumar, K.A., Ganesh, C., Turaka, R., Rao, B.D. and Naik, S.L., 2023, May. Multiple Disease Prediction by Applying Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms. In 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS)(pp. 502-510). IEEE.
  3. Kiran, A. and Chowdary, M.K., 2022, November. Home Automation using Augmented Reality. In 2022 International Conference on Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC)(pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  4. Chowdary, M. K., Hemanth, D. J., Angelopoulou, A., & Kapetanios, E. (2019, December). Feature extraction techniques for human emotion identification from face images. In 9th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-2019) (pp. 86-92). IET. (Scoups).
  5. Chowdary, M.K., Babu, S.S., Babu, S.S. and Khan, H., 2013, April. FPGA implementation of moving object detection in frames by using background subtraction algorithm. In 2013 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing(pp. 1032-1036). IEE



S. No

Title of The Patent File Number  




Deep learning-integrated image-based approach for detecting leaf pathology in crops 202341069032 A







Third eye for the blind 202341069033 A




Block Chains Systems assisted in resolving security flaws and risks in the commercial internet of things with the help of AL and Machine Learning.






A novel bio medical image processing method for detecting and classifying anatomical structures.





Subjects Taught

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models, VLSI

Books Published
