Dr. Gottipati Venkata Rambabu
Designation Associate Professor
Years of Experience 23 Years
Department Mechanical
Email Id rambabu@mlrinstitutions.ac.in
JNTUH Unique Id 9978-190822-185537
Areas of Specialization Thermal Engineering
UG Degree B.E (Mechanical Engineering)
PG Degree M.Tech (Thermal Engineering)
Ph.D PhD
Joining Date 08-07-2019
Nature of Association Regular

Dr. Gottipati Venkata Rambabu

Papers Published

Subjects Taught

1. Engineering Drawing
2. Machine Drawing
3. Production Technology-I
4. Production Technology-II
5. Thermodynamics
6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
7. Thermal Engineering
8. Automobile Engineering
9. Alternative Source of Energy
10. Power Plant Engineering

Books Published
