Designation Assistant Professor
Years of Experience 15
Department CSE
Email Id ramya.s@mlrit.ac.in
JNTUH Unique Id 7050-240615-103809
Areas of Specialization • Mobile Adhoc Networks • Security
UG Degree B.Tech (ECE)
PG Degree M.Tech (CSE)
Ph.D Pursuing (CSE)
Joining Date 12-06-2024
Nature of Association Regular


Papers Published

Research Articles

  1. Data reliability in Adhoc network for enhanced security using randomized bit interleaving, Volume:9 Issue:12,Dec 2022, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research( JETIR)
  2. Energy efficiency in wireless sensor network: A comprehensive survey, Volume: 11, Issue: 4, April-2021 Journal of information and computational science (JOICS).
  3. User Recognition from Social Behavior, volume-2, Issue-8, IJRPR, 2021.
  4. Network Intrusion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Technique with Feature Selection, IRJET,  Volume: 07 Issue: 12, Dec 2020. 
  5. A location-Aided flooding Mechanism in Community Based IOT Networks, IJSREM, Volume: 04 Issue 06, June 2020
  6. A Novel approach in wireless sensor network for services to emergency navigating users along with path and safety, IJREAM, Vol-5,issue-4,july 2019.
  7. Load-Balanced opportunistic outing for duty-cycled wireless sensor networks,IJSRD,vol-6, issue-7, sep-2018.
  8. Secret common randomness from routing metadata in Adhoc network. IJSRD,vol-5,issue-07,2017.
  9. Information security in big data. IJEDR,vol-5,issue-2,april 2017.
  10. The effect of symbiotic algorithm on robotics.IJEDR,vol-4,issue-3,2016
  11. Technique Planned for Collecting mobile data in WSN, IJCER, vol-4, issue-7, July- 2014.
  12. Round robin approach for better VM load balancing in cloud computing, IJEIR, vol-3, issue-4, Aug-2014.
  13. Trust based solutions using counter strategies for Routing attacks in MANET, IJISET,vol-1, Issue-4, june-2014.
  14. Efficient way of data transmission in wireless network using data compression technique. IJPTT, vol-3, issue-9, oct-2013.


  1. Implementation of a novel technique for wireless sensor networks to provide secured and enhanced data sharing using clone model, 2nd IEEE International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability(IIHC-2023), 3rd and 4th NOV 2023. In association with IEEE student branch SVCE, IEEE Bangalore Section.


S. No

Title of The Patent File Number


1 Design and Development of IOT Driven Multilayered Security System Using Cryptography and Steganography 202441001267A

Subjects Taught

  • Computer Network
  • Information & Network Security
  • Operating System
  • Computer Organization
  • Data Communication
  • Oops With Java

Books Published
