SCI/SCIE Indexed Journals: 1. Pulkit Singh, Bhaskar Agrawal, Bibhudendra Acharya, and Rahul Kumar Chaurasiya, “Low-area and High-speed Hardware Architectures of KLEIN Lightweight Block Cipher for
Publications: S. Sahoo, A. Ray and R. Mohanta, “Model independent investigation of rare semileptonic b→ ulν ̄l decay Process”, Phys. Rev. D. 96, 115017(2017) [arXiv:1711.10924[hep-ph]].
Publications: 1. Pal, S.; Dutta, A.; Paul, M.; Chattopadhyay, A. Plasmon-Enhanced Chemical Reaction at the Hot Spots of End-to-End Assembled Gold Nanorods. J. Phys. Chem.
Publications: Y Anantha Lakshmi, K Swapna, K Siva Rama Krishna Reddy, M Venkateswarlu, Sk Mahamuda, AS Rao, Structural, optical and NIR studies of Er3+ ions
Localization of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Networks with Correlated in Time Measurement Noise Compressed Data Aggregation and Routing in WSN using Optimal Clustering Protocol Kanegonda
1.[R.AKHILESH REDDY, Dr P VELMURGUN] “Semantic Entity Suggestion for Effective Search Using DBPEDIA” JARDCS (Scopus Based Index) :2277-3878 (2019)] 2. [R.AKHILESH REDDY] “Real Time Scheduling