Designation: Assistant Professor

Dr. Pulkit Singh

SCI/SCIE Indexed Journals: 1. Pulkit Singh, Bhaskar Agrawal, Bibhudendra Acharya, and Rahul Kumar Chaurasiya, “Low-area and High-speed Hardware Architectures of KLEIN Lightweight Block Cipher for

Dr. Atasi Ray

Publications: S. Sahoo, A. Ray and R. Mohanta, “Model independent investigation of rare semileptonic b→ ulν ̄l decay Process”, Phys. Rev. D. 96, 115017(2017) [arXiv:1711.10924[hep-ph]].

Dr. Srimanta Pal

Publications: 1. Pal, S.; Dutta, A.; Paul, M.; Chattopadhyay, A. Plasmon-Enhanced Chemical Reaction at the Hot Spots of End-to-End Assembled Gold Nanorods. J. Phys. Chem.

Dr. Y. Anantha Lakshmi

Publications: Y Anantha Lakshmi, K Swapna, K Siva Rama Krishna Reddy, M Venkateswarlu, Sk Mahamuda, AS Rao, Structural, optical and NIR studies of Er3+ ions

Mrs. K. Anusha

Localization of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Networks with Correlated in Time Measurement Noise Compressed Data Aggregation and Routing in WSN using Optimal Clustering Protocol Kanegonda

Mr.R Akhilesh Reddy

1.[R.AKHILESH REDDY, Dr P VELMURGUN] “Semantic Entity Suggestion for Effective Search Using DBPEDIA” JARDCS (Scopus Based Index) :2277-3878 (2019)] 2. [R.AKHILESH REDDY] “Real Time Scheduling
