Designation: Assistant Professor

Mahesh Kumar

Journal Publications: 1. D. Mahesh Kumar ,N.Madhavi, Muttangi Sushma, Thin walled C-Sectional Beam under Axial Load, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

K. Arun Kumar

Journal Publications: K Arunkumar, K Veeranjaneyulu, Om Prakash, Sreekanth Sura, M Srikanth,” Mechanism and Performance Analysis of Morphing Wing”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and

B. Nagaraj Goud

Journal Publications: B. Nagaraj Goud, K. Shiva Shankar, B. Manideep, K. Veeranjaneyulu “Experimental Test on Glare Composite of an Aircraft Structure under Tensile Strength Failure”,

K Swetha

Conferences 2022 International Conference on Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC), Alzheimer’s disease Diagnosis from MRI using Siamese Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE, 2022/11/19,

K. Jyothsna Reddy

Journal Publications: 1. A Publication on HD Image processing by Using Sketches in International ResearchJournal of Engineering and technology Journal ,Volume 3 Issue 12 December
