Category: CSE-CS

Publications 2019-20

Faculty Paper Publications 2019-20 Chandra Sekhar Reddy N, Vemuri P,Govardhan A”An emperical study on support vector machines for intrusion detection”-International Journal of Emerging Trends in

Publications 2018-19

Faculty Paper Publications 2018-19 B. Madhuravani, B. Rama, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B.Dhanalaxmi, V.UmaMaheswari, “A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF INTEGRATED CHAOTIC BASED HASH FUNCTION TO IMPROVE

Publications 2017-18

Faculty Paper Publications 2016-17 1. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “Evaluation of PCA and K-means Algorithm for Efficient Intrusion Detection” IJAER Volume 12 Issue No:12 ISSN No:0973-4562

Publications 2016-17

Faculty Paper Publications 2015-16 1 . N.Chandra sekhar Reddy “An Instruction Detection system for secure distributed local action detection and retransmission of pack” IJSC 1816-9503 2016
