Designation: Associate Professor

Dr Saiprakash

Journal Publications: 1.  M. Saiprakash, C.Senthilkumar, G.Balu,V.Shanmugam,Singh prakash rampratap,G. Kadam sunil “Visualization of shock wave  phenomenon around a sharp cone model at hypersonic Mach Number

M. Ganesh

Journal Publications:   M Ganesh 1 , Nirmith Kumar Mishra 2 , A. Sai Kumar 3, “Design and Analysis of UAV for High Payload”,International Journal


Journal Publications: SCI Journals Publications 1. P.Chinnasamy, P.Deepalakshmi, ”HCAC-EHR: Hybrid Cryptographic Access Control for Se-cure EHR Retrieval in Healthcare Cloud”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
