Designation: HOD

Dr. A Sudhakar

Journal Publications: National Journals – 1, International Journals – 5 1. Harmonic Minimization in direct torque controlled Induction Motor using Neural Network controller,International journal of

Dr. S V S Prasad

Journal Publications: 1. Pragna, D.V.B., Laxma Reddy, D., Prasad, S.V.S., IoT driven automated object detection algorithm for urban surveillance system in smart city (2019) International Journal

Dr. P. Subhashini

Subhashini .Peneti And Hemalatha .E,Akalpitha Das ,“DDOS Attack Identification Using Machine Learning Techniques” , International Conference On Computer Communication And Informatics ,Pp. 1-5, DOI: 1109/Iccci50826.2021.9402441,2021
