Nearly every engineering student has heard these famous lines, “Life is a Race!” This statement, while true to a large extent, is also causing severe mental stress on students who are trying to make it big in their careers. Competition is great when it is healthy. When it is not, the pressure on the young mind might become unbearable. Let us delve into one of the most coveted, yet less talked about issues of a student’s life – mental health. Let’s also see a few tips which will help youngsters not get bogged down by the pressure of studies.
- Sleep Well
Sleep is a very important part of every human’s life. We can go for a few days without food, but not so much without sleep. Sleeping helps the brain relax and rejuvenate. A sound, regular and long sleep decreases stress-related hormones, making us wake in a better mood. Fix your sleeping hours and don’t change them without an emergency. It is highly advisable for young people to get 8-9 hours of continuous sleep every day for healthy functioning.
- Diet and Exercise
A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. This statement is as true as, “The Sun rises in the east.” It has been proven by countless studies that regular exercise and a healthy diet keeps stress levels low. Exercise also fills us with confidence which helps in not getting bogged down by stressful events easily. Eat well, don’t smoke and drink. That is the key to a healthier mind.
- Build a Network to Talk
Friends aren’t just for having fun and going out. They are also there for support and comfort. Build a network of friends who would be willing to listen to you as you pour your heart out. It is natural to someday feel overwhelmed by all that goes on around us. Be a part of someone else’s life similarly. Hear them out when they feel sad and overwhelmed. You will be surprised how good you feel by just talking.
- Don’t Do Drugs
It has been propagated by drug dealers and narco mafia that recreational chemical use helps with stress and anxiety. It is complete and utter nonsense. Do not fall into the trap. All it does is siphons off your energy and money while doing nothing for your mental health. On the contrary, you might end up far worse off than before. No one ever benefited by doing drugs, no one ever will.
- Socialise
Humans are inherently social creatures. We like going out, having fun and meeting people. Even if you are an introverted person, you can always go to your favourite people. Socialising doesn’t mean only meeting and befriending new people. Building bonds through interaction gives the mind a feeling of happiness. The people we bond with are the ones who come to help us when we need them.
- Be Easy on Yourself
Remember, at the end of the day we are all human and we all have bad days. We all make some mistakes and might end up scoring low when we should have scored better than we did. But that is not reason enough to torment your own mind. What is done cannot be changed; the best course of action is to try again or move on. Dwelling over what’s already happened only worsen the problem. Talk it out and forgive yourself.
The only caveat is, always give every exam, assignment, project your best shot.
- See a Psychiatrist If Needed
There are phases in our lives when we cannot feel happy at all. We do everything we can to feel better, but nothing seems bright. Do not worry, stress and anxiety are common issues. Feeling mental pressure and depression doesn’t mean you have gone mad. Just like everything else, this too shall pass. Talking to an expert will help you manage your stress and not feel bogged down. Remember, when nothing seems happy, talking will help release the accumulated stress, anger, frustration and sadness.
These tips for improving students’ mental health aren’t just limited to students though. As we become young adults and transform into mature adults, the stress levels are only going to increase. We can always carry these tips into adulthood and into our careers and professional lives.
How MLRIT Helps
MLR Institute of Technology always has students’ docile and dynamic minds at the highest priorities. While building future assets for the nations, it becomes imperative that the college provides an inclusive, stress-free and ragging free campus. That is the only way to help the budding talent of the nation be hopeful and happy about the future.
MLRIT is an autonomous institute in Dundigal, Telangana affiliated to JNTUH. Loaded with world-class facilities and labs and consistently featuring in one of the best engineering institutes in Hyderabad, MLRIT offers engineering courses for graduate and undergraduate students in 10+ streams. Admissions into MLRIT courses are currently open. You can read more about the college here. You may also download the college brochure for details.